Friday 24 June 2011

Harrogate Fair Photographs - Vintage Fur

A controversial one, but how many of you wear real fur? There was lots of fur available at our Harrogate fair and I saw someone buying, so there is obviously demand. Does it seem more acceptable to buy vintage fur than something made more recently? Are any of you ever tempted but then decide against it because you're worried what people will think?

This is a really interesting one so I hope some of you comment and let us know what you think!


  1. I wouldn't buy fur regardless of how old it was. I have a gorgeous 1930s faux fur coat and I don't see the need for real fur.

    Real fur just seems ghoulish.

  2. I own the most beautiful fur coat, soft, shiny, luxurious - and vintage. Obviously. I would never, ever support the killing of animals for fun or just to wear the furs, but you cannot eradicate something that has happened in the past. My coat was from a relative who wanted to give one to me as a present and I love it, but I don't think I would ever wear anything with a head still attached....

  3. And no, I would never, make that could never purchase a vintage fur product with a head still attached. That's just not right......!

  4. My other comment has disappeared??

  5. I've been a veggie for over 40 years and an avid anti-fur trade campaigner but I don't have a problem with vintage fur. It's from an era when many people didn't consider the ethics of buying fur.

    Lots of vintage items were produced in ways we wouldn't approve of now eg by exploitation of children, poor people, developing countries, wild animals & the environment.

    Either we burn/bury it all to soothe our consciences or we use it instead of producing more goods. I know which I prefer.

  6. I can definitely see the appeal of trying to recapture the glamour of foregone eras by wearing fur, but denying the widespread cruelty and suffering inherent with fur production in favour of vanity surely discredits the wearer?

    We are lucky to live in a world where we are free to express our individulaity in whatever way we choose, but the critters who were shot, caged or suffered in leg-hold traps or were skinned alive...erm...not so lucky!
